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Contact Us

Feel free to contact us for any reason at the email or phone listed on top right of any of our pages.

Request for Proposal Form

A "Request for Proposals" (or RFP) is a document that outlines your project needs so that we can respond with a proposal and bid. It should include your concept of the project, a summary of your goals, your timeline, a description of the scope of the work, and the requirements you have for the project.

The RFP is an information gathering process to help you and us to understand what you want and what you need.  It will allow us to formulate a speedy response to you.
Here are a few things to think about as you formulate your request:
  1. What are the company's needs?
  2. What must your personnel be capable of doing?
  3. What are they capable of doing now?
  4. What knowledge do they have now?
  5. What knowledge do they need?
  6. What is the training plan?
Essentially we need to know where you are now and where you want to go!
Please fill in the following information and press send.


Mailing Address

11 Leitao Dr
Oakdale, CT 06370

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. EST
Closed Saturday and Sunday