logooffice (860) 334-6730


Below find the related fee schedule for New England and NY area. Please use the contact us page for fees related to further travel areas.


Level III Services: - TBD

Minimum Charges: - 4 hours

Courses: - Course fees vary by method, includes up to 8 students. Courses can be completed onsite or virtual.


Meals and incidentals, Airfare, Lodging, including taxes, surcharges and parking, rental Car, (including tolls, gasoline, mileage and insurances) charged at cost

Shipping/Copy Services/office supplies/etc. charged at cost

Research time, travel time, report or procedure writing charged at standard hourly rate.

Materials purchased on behalf of the client will be charged to the client at costs plus 10%.

Invoices are payable on Net10 schedule.

If desired, a "will not exceed" quote can be given.

Related resources

  • Level III services customized to your needs
  • Auditing services for internal or customer onsite